These are ideas and designs from 2017 and onward that I have experimented with. Some of these have or have yet developed into related projects.

6:34am - Mutoscope Cabinet (2018)

A cabinet design with a built-in mutoscope viewer to observe the included bird images. The images were sourced from an old encyclopedia and specifically chosen to create the animated cycle of a bird's flight when placed in the mutoscope.

Click on image to play video documentation.

Peephole Phenakistoscope (2023)

An interactive peephole viewer where the viewer has to spin the wheel on the left of the device to activate the strobe within the device to view the animation disc through the front peephole.

Click on image to play video documentation. Warning: Strobe effect

Exhibited at Keystone LA, Sept 2023

Camera Obscura Stereoscope Viewer (2022)

An experiment in stereoscopy. The design is meant to function as both a capture and viewing stereoscope device. The projected screen in the center can be replaced with film or cyanotype paper to capture the left and right images directly and be viewed again with the viewer built in.